Jillian A. Rosa
Board of Directors | Incorporator
Grants and Funding Manager
Jillian A. Rosa is a masters student at Murray State University studying Organizational Communication. Her research interests are interpersonal, political, and health communication as well as public health and policy. She currently works as a teaching assistant for public speaking classes and coaches for the Murray State Speech and Debate Union. She focuses on IPDA and NPDA debate, limited prep events, and public address events. She is an active member of the Murray State University alumni chapter of Pi Kappa Delta and a member of Lambda Pi Eta.
Publications and Presentations
Luurs, G. D. & Rosa, J. A. (2022). When God Doesn't Make Sense: Non-Religious Communications at the End of Life. In G. Luurs (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Communication Strategies for Taboo Topics (pp. 482-499). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-9125-3.ch024
The Sickness of Bereavement Leave in Higher Education: Institutional Policies and Rhetorical Inequity Surrounding Grief in the Workplace (Under Review)
Bruns, L., Alvarez, M., Campbell, C. G., Whitestone, S. B., Zaremba, C. E., Smith, H. A., Cherry, J., Seiter, C., Rodriguez-Mori, H., Scheinfeld, E., Rosa, J. A. (2023, Nov. 17). Death Beyond Aging: The Death and Dying Division [Panel Discussion]. 109th Annual Convention–National Communication Association Annual, National Harbor, MD, United States.
Ellis, C., Bruns, L., Rosa, J., Campbell Pendleton, C., & Hebenstreit, B. L. (2024, May 3). “Always keep death on your shoulder”: Dr. Carolyn Ellis discusses how loss inspired autoethnography. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIPLvptzorQ